Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Kelis Honey Mag Interview

Kelis was interviewed for HoneyMag and had a whoooole lot to say. Some excerpts include:

In regards to you, that seems to be the consensus for a lot of today’s female artists as well. How do you feel about all these half-shaved heads on chicks like Cassie and Rihanna?
Well I was definitely the first to do it. The only other person I would give credit before me is Pepa. Other than that, I expect them to copy me. What else are they supposed to do? They’re young. God bless them.

Indeed. I must ask, despite everything are you and Nas cool with each other?
(Laughs) We’re not talking about it

Who do you think did your look the best?
Oh, I don’t know. They’re all duplicates (laughs).

Read the rest here.

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