Monday, March 18, 2013

Double Dumb@ss of the Day

It’s been a while since we had to crown a dumb@ss of the day so in honor of that we have a double feature for you…..

The 1st Dumb@ss of the day goes to Giorgos Katidis. Giorgos is the 20 yr old Greek soccer player who was just banned for life after hitting a Nazi salute after scoring a game winning goal. Yup Nazi….and yes that is a get rich or die trying tattoo on his stomach…. My favorite part of this pic is the expression on his team mates face, he is giving him all sorts of #bishplease eye fire.Giorgos first tried to deny that he did the salute by saying he was pointing to someone in the crowd and when Giorgos realized no one was believing that lie then denied even knowing what the arm gesture meant…..yup he’s done.

Peep the second dumb@ass after the jump...

The 2nd Dumb@ss of the day goes to Joseph Cassano who is the son of Fire Commissioner Salvatore Cassano and a first responder EMT. The EMT has been all over twitter spewing his hatred of African Americans, Jews, poor, elderly and pretty much anyone who isn’t young, white and Italian like himself.   After the NY Post reported his racist twitter rants Cassano released this statement via the FDNY spokesperson “I regret posting some comments that were offensive, especially since I enjoy my job and treat every patient with great care and respect.” I am going to need to know what area of the city he works in and make sure that I look both ways when crossing the street because I would hate to trip and fall and have this racist dumb@ss be the one hired to help cause clearly he doesn’t give to futtocks about you if you don’t look just like him….and yet he wasn’t fired so it just goes to show you that’s some people can say anything and get away with it.

-Mustang Sally

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