Friday, January 8, 2010

Sweet Little Lies Book Tour

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Before the Jersey Shore took over the high viewing rate on MTV there was the Hills. Nowadays you can't even pay me to watch the fakeness, but back in the day, Lauren was the it reality tv girl! Who could forget the days of her falling in and out of love with Stephen on Laguna Beach...sighhhh

One of her most famous quotes that girls can live by involve bags (one of our fave accessories next to shoes of course)
Boys are like purses. You're always gonna have that one boy that you're always comfortable with and you know you'll always kind of like. That's your purse that you wear everywhere. Then you have that gorgeous bag that you want everyone to see you with but the gorgeous bag is usually an a**hole or costs a lot of money. Then you have those other purses that you really like but you really don't want to be seen with. (Is she lying? Nope)

She has a book that came out called "L.A. Candy" that is being turned into a movie, and is currently book touring for her 2nd book called "Sweet Little Lies". She has also began on her third book called "Sugar and Spice". She's doing big things, and always doing so by dressing really cute!
Her tour dates are:
Sunday, February 07, 2010
2:00 PM
11054 Lee Hwy Fairfax, VA 22030

Monday, February 08, 2010
7:00 PM
RAINY DAY BOOKS/*Off site event at Unity Temple
707 W 47th St Fairway, KS 66205

Tuesday, February 09, 2010
7:00 PM
600 North Orlando Ave Winter Park, FL

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