Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Dwayne Wade Son's Birth Certificate

Dwayne Wade has admitted to fathering a son with Damon Wayan's baby mother Aja Metoyer. Messy sh*t!!

Wade has confirmed he fathered a love child while briefly estranged from fiancee Gabrielle Union earlier this year. Suuuure you were estranged :/

Check after the jump for a copy of the certificate... 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Beyoncé Celebrates New Album Release In NYC Last Night

I don't pop Molly. I rock Tom Ford. And boy did she ever!

Bey slayed last night at her album release party held at the School of Visual Arts Theater in  Tom Ford Spring 2014 mini dress and boots.  Peep a few more pics here  

Dwayne Wade Pops The Question

Nothing to see her Siohvaughn!!

Finally, Miami Heat player proposed to long time love and homewrecker actress Gabrielle Union! It's only been about 10 years right?

Both posted pics of the proposal and ring on their IG accounts...peep the pics and their tweets under the cut.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Over The Weekend With Bey

Those no camera rules that Bey and her team put into place at her concert sure isn't working. Fans captured Bey making some funny faces at her Vancouver concert over the weekend. Catch more and a pic with her and a sleepy Blue Ivy in LA after the jump

RIP Paul Walker

News spread like wildfire on IG and twitter on Saturday night that one of our favorite and oh so handsome actors, Paul Walker had died in a horrific car crash near LA. Most fans hoping it was a hoax, were saddened when the actors PR rep announced on Paul's twitter and facebook that he had indeed died.

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